Safeguarding vulnerable people from abuse, neglect and exploitation is at the heart of Cahoots policies and procedures. Our workforce is trained in protecting the welfare and human rights of our participants at all times whilst following the NDIS guidelines in choice and control.
Our Safeguarding Vision
One of Cahoots core values is Trust, and we strive to ensure we have a reliable team, committed to providing safe, quality services for our participants. Protecting the children and adults in our care from harm is our priority and we are committed to creating a culture of safety where all participants’ right to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision making are respected.
Our Safeguarding Standards
Cahoots considers any form of abuse towards a child or adult, inclusive of emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect, as intolerable under any circumstances.
Cahoots has a legal, moral and mission-driven responsibility to protect children, young people and adults at risk from harm and to ensure that any incidents of suspected abuse are promptly and appropriately managed.
Our Safeguarding Responsibilities
Cahoots and all of its Board Directors, staff and volunteers have a legal, moral and mission-driven responsibility to:
- Protect children and adults at risk from all forms of abuse, bullying and exploitation
- Create and maintain a child safe culture that is understood, endorsed and put into action by all the individuals who work for, volunteer, govern or access a Cahoots program or service
- Acknowledge that protecting children and adults at risk is everyone’s business
- Manage behaviour of all our participants in an appropriate and safe manner
We believe that every participant has a right to receive services from Cahoots without threat, intimidation or abuse from its staff, volunteers, contractors, other members or any other person.
We understand we have a responsibility to ensure that no participant is neglected or exploited by staff, volunteers, contractors, other members or any other person.
We will act to protect our participants, staff and volunteers and to prevent abuse, neglect and exploitation and we will uphold the legal and human rights of our participants, staff and volunteers.
How we keep people at risk safe
To ensure we maintain our responsibilities, we will:
- Put in place a management structure that supports and develops staff in their roles.
- Provide all Cahoots Staff and Volunteers with the necessary support to enable them to fulfil their roles. This will include regular and appropriate development and supervision.
- Provide regular opportunities to clarify and confirm the policy and procedures in relation to the protection and welfare of children and adults at risk. This will include annual training with regards to understanding the principles and intent of the Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy.
- Listen to all concerns voiced by Cahoots Staff and Volunteers regarding keeping children and adults at risk safe from harm.
- Provide opportunities for Cahoots Staff and Volunteers to receive formal debriefing and counselling arising from incidents of child or adults at risk abuse.
- Use best practice standard in the recruitment, screening and employment of Cahoots Staff and Volunteers so as they will not harm, abuse or exploit children and adults at risk who are involved in our programs and services.
- Maintain an environment for children and adults at risk to be safe and to feel safe.
Definitions of Abuse
Abuse is the inappropriate treatment of an individual. The different types of abuse are emotional, psychological, physical, sexual abuse, neglect and bullying.
Further Information
For further information on this policy and the human rights and freedom from abuse and neglect procedures, contact the CEO or Cahoots Quality and Safeguarding Lead.
Cahoots Child Safe Complaints Policy
David Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer:
Sarah George, Quality & Safeguarding Lead:
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